Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Republican National Committee Misspells “Committee” 1,800 Times on Their Mobile Website

[Update: After our blog post on February 3, 2015, the GOP updated their mobile site and corrected their misspelling of Committee that was on every page of their mobile site (corrected image below). However, the following errors in this blog post besides Committee remain.

We would be pleased to offer a full, complimentary scan to the political party organization, either the the Democratic National Committee or the Republican National Committee, that replies to our offer first.]

With a majority of seats in both houses of Congress, the GOP has clearly mastered the art of communicating their message in order to win elections. While the overall message is clear, the ability of a leader to communicate with correct grammar gives their message credibility, precision, and a higher likelihood that readers will understand their intent and meaning. Are you more likely to vote for someone who is claiming they will “Repeel Taxes” as opposed to “Repeal”? What about a candidate who wants their national health care reform plan to give you “piece of mind,” as Obama’s administration tweeted in promotion of Obamacare in 2013. Would you feel confident in a governmental organization that misspells its own name? Didn't think so.
As each party gears up to fight for the Oval Office in 2016, Correctica wanted to find out who's better at crafting a clear message to voters: the Democratic National Committee or the Republican National Committee. Using our new tool, which scans content looking for errors that even spell checkers and grammar checkers miss, we crawled a sub-set of pages from each committee’s website (gop.com and democrats.org) and ran them against our database of grammar and spelling rules. These rules include such things as misused idioms, incorrect articles, and commonly confused words or homophones.
We came to some startling conclusions.
While the GOP holds the majority of Congress, they also make the majority of grammar and spelling errors, including misspelling their own name on every single page of their mobile site. The footer of each page we examined reads “Paid for by the Republican National Committe.” We get it. There are a lot of double letters in the word “committee.” While the Republican National Committee may just be taking a stand against the excessive use of letters in their name, their mobile website is not the place for such a demonstration.
For our study, we crawled just a sub-set of each sites' pages, but a quick search of Google confirmed our suspicions – the spelling error appears to be sitewide.

Whoops. That's a pretty big gaffe. And that's not all, the GOP made a number of other embarrassing errors. Such as…

“…to ensure that new fuel-efficient cars and trucks are build in the U.S. with American workers.”
This sentence mixes active and passive voice. Objects are built, and subjects build them. To keep this statement in passive voice, it should read, “…to ensure that new fuel-efficient cars and trucks are built in the U.S. with American workers.” Or to change it to active voice, it could read, “to ensure that American workers build the new fuel-efficient cars and trucks in the U.S.”  There are several options they could go with, and none of them are “trucks are build.”

“…I don’t know what polls your looking at…”

This should be “…I don't know what polls you're looking at…” where the word is used as a contraction of you and are – “…I don’t know what polls you are looking at…” The word “your” is a possessive adjective which always precedes an object. The word “looking” isn't an object in your possession, it’s an action that you're doing. In Chairman Priebus' defense, he probably was thinking “you're” when speaking about Republicans in the Senate, but the transcriber didn't do him any favors. 

“…ObamaCare Was Suppose To Lower Healthcare Costs…”

This should read, “…ObamaCare Was Supposed To Lower Healthcare Costs…” which means that an outcome was expected. We suppose that “suppose to” is commonly misused because when speaking the words it’s easy for the ear to miss the sound of the “d” followed by the “t”. But you’re supposed to always write “supposed to” when trying to convey an expected outcome.

As you can see, the GOP has some cleaning up to do on their website if they want to convey a clear message to voters before the big race. But, we would be remiss if we didn't give Democrats equal grammar challenge airtime as well. Though the Democratic National Committee managed to spell their name correctly, they still made a few noteworthy grammar gaffes.

“…he’s been proved so throughly wrong…”

Sorry, Dems, but this time you’re thoroughly wrong – “throughly" isn't a word, so Romney can’t rightly be proved "throughly" wrong. Can he be proved thoroughly wrong? We'll leave that question for you all to address.

“…the President honed in on the impact of his administration’s policies on women and families…”

To hone is to sharpen, to home is to aim toward a goal or target. You don't sharpen in on a goal, you home in on it, like a homing pigeon nearing his destination. In this case, “…the President homed in on the impact of his administration’s policies on women and families…” 

Thats why, when the Supreme Court weakened the Voting Rights Act…”
That’s confusing because “thats” is not a word.

And that's that, isn't it? Both the Dems and the GOP have some corrections to make to their messaging before they can home in on their goal of seating a presidential candidate in the Oval Office for the next four years.
And how about you? Think you can beat the elephants and donkeys in a grammar contest? Try out Correctica at Correctica.com to see how you contend. Our "Proof It Free" tool can check blog posts, term papers, resumes... anything.